New Year Eve

sorry for ignore my blog for sure a long time.....paiseh time for blog mah....too many holiday.....

today is already 31th of dec 2008.....last day for the year 2008.....when i flashback the passed 12 month....lots of memory included all the happy n sad things......

actually wat i hv done in tis whole....still undefined.....or maybe someone can tell that i din wasted the whole year for nothing....haih....

new year to celabrate.....haha....thru 'storming'....(even msmc oso know tis term)....swt.....

replace ff tutorial so tat we got 'enough' time to leh....go storm after dota n L4D.....first time use sniper.....

then rush back for maf lecture......the whole gang falls in sleep inside the lecture hall....damn boring lo.........sam chew(victor's relative)

din go back to countdown myself wif roommate...swt.....going back to malacca on 23th....the day after exam....for chinese new year....

lastly....hopefully the year 2009 can bring good luck n happyness to me n u all la....xD


hohoho.....merry x' fast 1 year edi lo.....i still can remember last year's x'mas.....i went to Portuguese Village in malacca with my join their x'mas party...tats hot man....hah....

then for tis year.....still dunno class...dac-3....already celabrate.....through a x'mas present exchange ceramony....haha.......girl will buy the present for boy while boy buy for girl.....n the target is lucky draw 1.....

n tell u all the truth la.....we draw the name 3 time....n hor.....the 1st n 2nd time hor.....i got tze vei lei.....then i only got juh yan on the 3rd time.....why so match 1?????
n somemore.....vincent oso lo.....he get june lim on the 2nd n 3rd time lo....haha.......

then hor.....the girl which i will receive the present from is.............MS. NG......walao....our FA lecturer leh.....cant imagine tat feeling ng behave like kanak kanak je.......(don tell her ah...if not she kill me ah)......

going back to malacca later......tats all la



Don confuse not talking about dota...haha..... a day for announces the top 3 of the FA project....a 15min video clip....
n our class...DAC group 3.....DOMINATE the whole course....which mean....the top 3 for the video are from our class.....haha....

n the most important thing group get the TOP 1......which mean we defeated more than 100 ppl in our course leh......u think is very easy to get to the top ah....lots of hard work we put inside the 15min loh....erm....i would like to thank to vincent la....he really do lots of things....thx

here's come the top 3 for the assignment....

3rd place....
group members = michele, swee ann, siew see, jia shyaan, juh yan n pei wen
assignment's title = Dissolution Of Partnership

2nd place....
group members = andy heng, edison chan, ivan chua, khoon leung n chow ann
assignment's title = Limited Liabilities Company

1st place....
group members = vincent chow, longko, derren lim, miow, victor chew n john
assignment's title = Goodwill

Gaya Rambut Yang Baru

Sudah tak blog lebih dari seminggu.....sebab aku nak cari ilham demi memulakannya dalam b.melayu.....haha.....hairan ke.....dan kinilah masanya bagi aku cubanya dalam b.melayu....hehe....

aku dah pun tukar gaya rambut lah.....sebab nak cuba sesuatu yang baru mah...lagipun dah nak menjelang tahun baru.....mestilah kena tukar gaya mah.....

erm.....tak banyak nak cakap la....sebab tak biasa tiap dalam bahasa....jadi....itu je la....

dan sini adalah gambar saya setelah tukar gaya rambut....haha....beri sedikit sebanyak komen la.....

LINDA you 4ever !!!

Linda chung...钟嘉欣.....she came to malaysia to promote her new album...''一人晚餐,两人世界''
erm....maybe still got ppl who not sure on who izzit la....let me show u......

today...after FA tutorial....went to jason's house....then take teksi go Data n COD......
then take LRT reached Dang Wangi....then walk to Bukit Nanas take Monorial til Bukit Bintang......reached there about 6pm.....go for dinner at McD.......til 7++........

forgot to mention.....the purpose we go to see Linda Chung......she came for her autograph, miow, kk, zackry n song go there only.....we take an hour to discuss wan to buy her album or not...n finally.....we bought oso + dvd + poster.....

around 8pm.....the 司仪...dunno wat in 菲比from MY Fm oh.....haha.....she really short wif my dream girl.....linda......
Linda comes out after introduction fr fei bi.....OMG....she is really tall n pretty lo........really is my dream girl......haha.....she sang 3 songs fr her 1st album......

after tat is the signature session....miow n I rush n peck wif other ppl so tat we can get her signature more faster.....then hor....when we line up at the stage.....fei bi suddenly spot us woh......she pass her mic to us....ask us to say something to Linda......haha....big chance.....then we shout very loudly......嘉欣,加油! cantonese......use mic ok.....but dunno Linda notice or not la.....bcus she is busy on signing on other ppl album......

then our turn to gv her to sign......she is really really pretty lo.....i jz 1 feet distance fr her lo......don jealous la.......when she sign my album...i request her to write my name oso on the album....she did....haha.....really really happy.......n the most nicer part is......i hv a chance to shake her hand lo......her hand is so........don wan to say la....later u all cant tahan.......xP

after that find they all n go times square meet jason n his fren......then went back to wangsa maju...hv a supper wif jason at there.....then go to jason house for nite......not going back to hostel....haha......what a fantastic n unforgettable nite........

here is some picture tat i taken....but there r more on kk's camera.....enjoy...n don jealous la......


4th dec......a wonderful day.....wif the born of a guy called mrlong....haha....

4th dec 1990...a baby born.....
4th dec 2007...spm last paper....b.cina.....
4th dec 2008...1st ever celebrate bday wif other person....michele...really nice man......

4th dec 2008....1st wish fr jason lau(1200am)....2nd wish fr mei yu(1203am).....3rd wish fr andy(1208am)....

18 years old....means wat....means i can say bye bye to those thing tat require a age cinema)....but.....who care....haha....

thx for dac-3 the cake for me n michele.....n ur bday's songs.....this is the 1st time i hv bday wif u won forget 1....haha...

5th dec 2008.....oso cant forget 1.....
1st...sure is michele bday la....easy to remember mah....a day after me...
2nd....LINDA CHUNG is here.....she reach malaysia for her album's promotion....wat a best bday present for me....haha.....really cant wait til 2moro to see her wif my own eyes.....hopefully can get a signature n take a picture fr her la....haha.....i so tall....she sure can spot me 1...xD


1. 我以為小鳥飛不過滄海,是以為小鳥沒有飛過滄海的勇氣,十年以後我才發現,不是小鳥飛不過去,而是滄海的那一頭,早已沒有了等待。

2. 你走的那天,我決定不掉淚,迎著風撐著眼簾用力不眨眼。

3. 多謝你的絕情,讓我學會死心……

4. 木頭對火說:抱我!火擁抱了木頭,木頭微笑著化為灰燼!火哭了!淚水熄滅了自己……當木頭愛上烈火,注定會被燒傷。

5. 當眼淚流下來,才知道,分開也是另一種明白。

6. 我真的愛你,閉上眼,以為我能忘記,但流下的眼淚,卻沒有騙到自己……

7. 回家的路上我哭了,眼淚再一次崩潰了。無能為力這樣走著,再也不敢驕傲奢求了。我還能夠說些甚麼,我還能夠做些甚麼?我好希望你會聽見,因為愛你我讓你走了……

8. 是我的終究是我的,我終歸是你的一個過客,你始終不愛我,注定我和你就是什麼都不會發生,注定,注定只是注定,不管我怎麼跨越、不管我怎麼想靠近你,你還是會離開我的,我好想你,好想好想你,好想好想見你……

9. 分手後不可以做朋友,因為彼此傷害過;不可以做敵人,因為彼此深愛過。所以我們變成了最熟悉的陌生人。

10. 我能感覺到你的心痛,你有你說不出的無奈……但是你做出一副無所謂的樣子,你越是這樣我就越難受。

11. 有時,愛也是種傷害。殘忍的人,選擇傷害別人;善良的人,選擇傷害自己。

12. 你走了,帶著我全部的愛走了,只是一句分手。我忍著眼淚看著你的背影,好想最後再抱你一次,好想再對你說一次我愛你

13. 魚上鈎了,那是因為魚愛上了漁夫,它願用生命來博漁夫一笑……

14. 歲月就象一條河,左岸是無法忘卻的回憶,右岸是值得把握的青春年華,中間飛快流淌的,是年輕隱隱的傷感。世間有許多美好的東西,但真正屬於自己的卻並不 多。看庭前花開花落,榮辱不驚,望天上雲卷雲舒,去留無意。在這個紛繞的世俗世界裡,能夠學會用一顆平常的心去對待周圍的一切,也是一種境界。

15. 我們的生活有太多無奈,我們無法改變,也無力去改變,更糟的是,我們失去了改變的想法。

16. 人生最遺憾的,莫過於,輕易地放棄了不該放棄的,固執地,堅持了不該堅持的……

17. 有些失去是注定的,有些緣分是永遠不會有結果的。愛一個人不一定會擁有,擁有一個人就一定要好好去愛她。

18. 如果,不幸福,如果,不快樂,那就放手吧;如果,捨不得、放不下,那就痛苦吧。

19. 人生短短幾十年,不要給自己留下了什麼遺憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,該愛的時候就去愛,無謂壓抑自己。人生的苦悶有二,一是欲望沒有被滿足,二是它得到了滿足。

20. 所謂花心,就是有了愛情和面包,還想吃蛋糕的心情;所謂外遇,就是潛出圍城,跌入陷阱;所謂浪漫,就是幫老婆買包心菜時,還會順手帶回一支玫瑰花;所謂廚房,就是結婚時紅地毯通向的正前方。

21. 這個世界就這麼不完美,你想得到些什麼就不得不失去些什麼。

22. 戀愛,在感情上,當你想征服對方的時候,實際上已經在一定程度上被對方征服了。首先是對方對你的吸引,然後才是你征服對方的欲望。

23. 我放下了尊嚴,放下了個性,放下了固執,都只是因為放不下你。

24. 如果愛上,就不要輕易放過機會。莽撞,可能使你後悔一陣子;怯懦,卻可能使你後悔一輩子。

25. 沒有經歷過愛情的人生是不完整的,沒有經歷過痛苦的愛情是不深刻的。愛情使人生豐富,痛苦使愛情升華。


Today is my 2nd time of blood donation....n the most important thing UNDERAGE.....still 17....1 more week only tat oso cannot to get a permission letter's signature fr parent loh....i gv my dad sign lo....

after pf tutorial....then go for lunch lo.....after that go donate blood wif meeting.....only 2 person....others say very scare woh....swt.....

when reach there....fill up the form lo....then suddenly d helper gv me another permission letter me to get a permission signature for mr foo at sport complex woh....underage mah......

when we reach sport complex hor.....only realize.....lunch hour.....zha dao....swt......back to college hall again....tell the helper tat i cant get the signature.....then he say"nvm la...u can proceed"....zha dao again....siang siang cakap mah....walao.....

there are 5 stage where u hv to pass in order to reach the chair where u can donate ur blood....

stage 1 : fill in the form.....where u hv to tick yes or no on the u taking any medicine in tis few days.....

stage 2 : blood's type As type...haha....i like As.....

stage 3 : blood's pressure checking......dunno wat the numbers there mean....

stage 4 : registration.....where u hv to gv ur IC for them to key in to their pc.....

stage 5 : taking blood's bag....a plastic bag that full wif tubes n blood tat collect ur blood later......

after pass these stage...then sit down n wait for their take around half hour kua.....then donate my blood loh......i donate 450ml leh....same as last time....

here is some pic to share....haha....blood donation is good for health...don scare lah.....not pain 1.....

Vincent VS SweeAnn (Chapter 2)

The starting point of the relationship between our class rep..vincent n his dream girl....sweeann....ald posted on my previous their updated situation about their relationship.....

today during PF lecture.....vincent come late woh.....n i ald reserve a seat for him...tats beside me.....but.....when he reach hor....he straight away go to seat beside swee ann woh.......why leh.....ahhhhh....pur
a pura ah.......

don belief ah.....still wan some proof comes they are.....ENJOY.......


A fantastic nite present by sbs n swc.....

a nite where we called sbs nite.....but is the nite entitle 'mystiquel night' wif the slogan 'dusk comes alive'...
on tat day.....
miow, song, n kk reach college on 3pm.....then we go for 1 hour storm..haha.....
after that they come to my hostel....haih.....raining very heavy woh......n kk's car is park at sport complex there woh.....
here, i would like to thank to kk n miow....bcus they walk to sport complex to take car then drive into hostel to fetch me n song leh...haha.....thx
reach sport complex around 6pm kua.....then hv the refreshment lo.....
n....wah...the girl there all dress very very pretty leh.....i sure u cant see on the normal day at college......haha......
the event start around 630 kua.....wif the arrival of vvip......address by our course rep...jeffery....
he is really SHORT........among all the sbs n swc committee....haih....
then opening ceremony follow by band performance....tat band really nice leh....their songs r full wif feeling........of course la.....from KTAR what........
then...certificate presentation for diploma.....carol is there....
follow by dancing n magician performance.....the magician ok only loh.......
certificate presentation for advance 1 tat i know.....swt....
then the cat walk show by the 6 finalist of OO nite winner...wah.....high man...
after that...committe dance.....again...jeffery is really SHORT la......don tell him ah.....
then is the voting for king, queen, n best dress.....the queen tat we vote for.....tak kena woh....haih....
band performance again wif all the unknown songs...but really nice......
the most exciting part finally comes......the dance the dance part where u hv to invite a girl for dance...haha.....but...haih........
we all 5 ppl dunno why.....din take any action.......chew oso....din ask carol for dance....what a boyfren.....if im carol.....i sure slap him 1....xP.....
after the romantic part here comes the rock part for dancing......the whole sport complex like disco je....haha.....
we all go n join the train(a line of ppl tat put ur hand on other ppl shoulder ...don care is girl or boy la.....n ran very fast like the train inside the hall)
time pass very fast lo.....
tats all follow by the crowing session.....the end for sbs nite....

after that kk fetch us n i tunjuk jalan...go desa setapak mamak store lim teh......
n then hor...the time is around 11++ liao leh....n victor suddenly wan storm woh....
haih.....then go for storm for 1 hour.....til 12++.......

wat a fantastic nite...xD

SweeAnn.....Vincent.....June ????

Finally finish 2 coursework test...MAF n PF........haih.....
erm...the question ok lo....not too difficult....
few days din update my blog...paiseh time mah.....hehe...

n..during tis few days....i discover something leh....our class rep -vinnie ....erm.....he got feiwen liao oh......not 2 leh.......let me introduce...haha.....

1st target .......last few day we having our meeting again in library...then the june gang oso there to discuss their project go to join their group lo......jz for chat la....
then hor....suddenly chiew li say...'soon kit , why your pendrive same as june's leh' ...oh....why leh...hv to ask him lo...haha............after that....she say again....'soon kit , why your file same as june's leh'.....hor again.....why leh....
then after that i ask him.....'eh vincent, why u n d solo queen hv so many things similar 1 leh.'...........then he answer me 'cannot meh, u jealous ah' that means something????

2nd when we finish our MAF test n ready to go for TB(toilet break).....suddenly miow saw something.....SweeAnn sat beside vincent woh.....they looks so match to each other......u din belief ah.....i show you.....haha.......





Finally.....we finish our video shooting for our FA assignment.....a 15min video clip about goodwill...
today we(I, vincent, john, biiang, miow n victor) went to KLCC after the MAF tutorial.....we take LRT to there mah...then hor.....when reach wangsa maju station....n i buy d ticket for LRT lo...n suddently victor ask me:'how to insert money to the ticket selling machine ah'....walao...KL ppl dunno hw to buy ticket meh.....@.@....izzit this is the 1st time he take ppl always like tat driver.....
having lunch at KLCC.....then go to the garden outside KLCC to find some nice place as our background.....1st shoot is john..then follow by vincent, biiang, me, miow n the most terrible person==>victor.....
the victor ah...i cant tahan him oh...he always cry father cry mother(哭爸哭妈 hokkien).......always complain bout hot la....raining the princess je.....
after finish all the shooting then go coldstorage buy water lo......then bck to college by tren again nw jz waiting for the video editing only lo.....

here r some conclusion about our shooting......1 person only 1 scene....around 1 min.....

THE AVERAGE ACTOR===>JOHN n BIIANG (take few shoot only success...but good try)
NEED TO BE IMPROVE===>MIOW(take around 5 shoot to success....still ok la)
"NG QUEEN"===>VICTOR CHEW(13 NG on jz a 1 min clip....die lo if u r a actor)

today stop here....bcus jz back from KLCC.....very tired liao....

Rush Hour

Today hor...just like normal loh...wake up on 0530...then follow my dad's car go malacca sentral buy bus ticket go back to KL...reached malacca sentral on d bus ticket where leave malacca on 0730...
then,wait the bus to leave lo.....reach puduraya on 0940....damn few ppl at there lo...then walk to pasar seni station....reached there on 0955....then wait for LRT go back wangsa maju lo.....reached w.maju on 1020.....haih...not yet finish ah.....then wait again....
wait for bus to go back hostel...haih.....reached hostel on 1030....settle down all the thing.....then go to college to have the FA assignment meeting on 1200.......
after that go for tutorial class on 1330......then only have my lunch on 1500.....0600 tahan sampai 15oo leh....damn hungry......go for OHR lecture on 1530......back to hostel on 1730......haih...

this is what i done when i came back to KL.......home,malacca sentral,bus,puduraya,pasar seni,LRT,wangsa maju,bus,hostel......
walao....just like a 1-day trip leh...hehe...
n finally nw is the time for me to rest a while n hv some time to update my blog......@.@


During this few week....i discover something leh....actually hor...our DAC-3 oso have our unique culture are some Q & A about the culture....enjoy.....

Q. when is this culture started?
A. erm...i think is after the genting trip kua...for those who went to genting last sem holiday know la..:)

Q. what is this culture actually about?
A. is a culture about playing the card...UNO (still small meh) gambling card la......

Q. who is the beginner of this culture?
A. erm....i think is me kua.....bcus im the 1 who bring d card to college 1st....izzit a good thing...haih...

Q. who bring the card to college actually?
A. erm...paiseh me n michele...

Q. who have take part in the game?
A. uncountable.....bcus sometime got somebody that unknown join in...

Q. who is the 1 that is most interest about the game?
A. i think is all ppl kua...bcus once take 1 dare to leave...

Q. izzit a strong culture or not?
A. where i know OHR die 1.....

Q. is that any disadvantage for this game?
A. where got a gamble complain about gambing leh....

Q. is that any advantage for this game?
A. improve our improve friendship among the that we don sleep at the lecture hall...

Q. since the game is so nice, did we need to expand our unique culture to others?
A. no. prob...unless u have enough deck of cards...

Q. is there any prove for your answer about the advantage on this game?
A. are some picture......don call police ah...

EYE ON MALAYSIA Reached Malacca

Last 2 week when i go back malacca....dunno what wind blow my father(不懂我爸吹什么风).....he suddenly carry us go near the beach there oh....for u ppl sure think that d beach is beautiful la romantic la.....but for me la....the beach at malacca there...haih...nothing to see...kosong je.....i prefer malacca's river lo..tats clean n romantic....hehe....

so hor....when my father drive d car near d beach hor....haih...nothing there what...go there for what...waste time je.......but my father call me be patient woh....he say tat is something special for malacca lo.....what to do.....he win lo......
then hor ....when d car near d beach....i saw something familiar leh.....a giant circle ring with lots of container hanging on it.....
OMG.....tats the eye on malaysia from titiwangsa leh....why appear at here leh.....then my father told me tat the malacca government buy the 'ring' liao....they say is to attract more ppl woh.....malacca government so rich meh....i don think so.... still under is some picture la...hehe....

Discuss about FA assignment

Today hor...our FA assignment us to reach college earlier woh......
say is to have a meeting about d project la.....then d time is on 10am lo....ok no prob.....
so about 9.20am ah vinnie sms me tat he reach liao oh....what to do....go out lo....
mana tao itu victomon siang siang reach liao oh....he sipe free loh...
then d ah biiang geng reach about 10.30 kua.....then hor...our purpose to come earlier is to discuss about the project mah......kononnya................
is not talk on FA about FA tutorial....haih....."last min hug god's leg"(临时抱佛脚).....
COPY TUTORIAL woh....haih....DAC-3 CULTURE....1 n half hour use for "do" the tutorial oh....
n 1 more thing which im not agree is hor....the dum dum FA lecturer mrs Chan (kk's target kua)....say d answer tat i do is complicated woh...walao....she not understan say not understan la....(dunno how kk teach her lor)........
then after class go citc with victomon......playing the boring game==>DOTA.........haih......
nothing to write la.....stop here.....

Welcome to my 1st ever blog

Welcome welcome n welcome.....
welcome to my 1st ever blog....haha...
the reason why i create a blog because : improve my BI that i have something to write out when im free
3.the most important is...most of my friend have blog....where can a LongKo din have a blog leh.

erm...this is d 1st time for me lah....
i still in the process of learning on blog...
but i will try my best la...haha...
gimme some respond or comment la....
so that i can improve myself...:)

About Me

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