这词 好。
I Love Commercial
Went for a short sharing on GST today.
Been working for 2 years in commercial, this was my 1st time ever meeting with all the managers from the operation such as logistic, marketing, purchasing, finance, tax, n etc.
Cant really imagine that a single GST, can actually affects the whole business operation from supply chain all the way till cash flow management.
I learned a lot through how they linked the GST effect into their pricing, supply chain, n cash flow strategy.
In that 2 hours plus, its all about strategies, market competition, cross border tradings and cash flow management.
Its really awesome that what we had learned in all the papers in ACCA, applied under 1 strategy. The ultimate strategy which can overcome GST, win market share, and achieve targets.
Once again it proved that im in the right direction.
In order to play around with strategies, 3 things:
Technical knowledge
Sosial network
I am still learning, and continueosly, improving.
This is the reason i loves commercial, its like a battlefield!!
I wanted to be a strategiest who drives the company to wins the battle. Not the historian who audit and report the victory.
Please dont drag me to audit or tax.